I am the principal developer of the etutorials created to help healthcare professionals and students to develop the skills to find the right information they need.
Getting Started: a series of etutorials to help users get to grips with our main resources.
Information Skills: etutorials to support the development of library and information skills.
Social Media
I am responsible for the management of the Health Library's social media outlets. I create and share content and respond to interactions. These platforms allow us to promote our activities and offer users an avenue online to engage with us.
Facebook - the Health Library Facebook page allows users to keep up to date with the latest news at the Health Library.
Twitter - the Health Library Twitter feed allows us to promote our resources and services as well as keep followers abreast of health-related news and events.
YouTube - the Health Library YouTube channel includes short demonstration videos to help users to use our resources.
I develop the Health Library website; creating content within an institutional framework, utilising a content management system (Terminal4 Site Manager). The website allows users to access our online resources such as ebooks, ejournals and databases; provides learning opportunities and support, and promotes our facilities and services.
Information Skills for Health - I have created this blog to offer our learners short, bite-sized learning opportunities. I develop the content and promote it.
Health Library News - I am the main content creator for the Health Library blog. This promotes the library's facilities, services and resources as well as informing users of any changes and updates to the library.
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