Saturday, 1 September 2012

Thing 17 – The medium is the message – Prezi and Slideshare

We’re back to looking at tools in thing 17 – this time using presentation tools.


I have used Prezi for a while now, Dec 2011 according to my account. I have seen some really great prezis but I’m afraid that my offerings don’t fall into that category. It can be pretty time consuming but gradually over time you learn about the different options and functionality. My first offering was about my job role and my latest is an interactive map of ourlibrary floor plan – including images and videos. It can be quite stomach-churning, but then we are a circular library and wandering around in real-life can make you dizzy too. I’ve now embedded this into our website. I have a couple more in development.
I think prezis offer something a bit more fun than powerpoints, though powerpoint can also be quite interactive and use multimedia; it also requires a lot of work to get something effective.


I’m familiar with Slideshare as a consumer. I often check out other people’s presentations. However I’ve not shared anything myself. It is not currently part of my role to create presentations and deliver talks. I did create a powerpoint presentation to promote our etutorials but decided to convert this to a video and share it via YouTube rather than use Slideshare.


Both these tools offer a good way to share your presentations.

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