Friday, 1 June 2012

Thing 4 Twitter and

There was a great post from Jen Gallagher about Twitter that also referred to using

While I had started tentatively to create lists of people I follow on Twitter, after reading Jen’s post I definitely think this is a super way to organise your tweets and it is something I will be applying in the future. I split those I follow into different lists so I have a librarians list, librarianship issues list, Health Professional list, NHS orgs list and so on. I can also create a stream in hootsuite to follow each list. This means that I can separate out my health feeds from my library feeds, from my stoke feeds… and so on, which makes it all much easier.

I had also started to experiment with I didn’t really seem to be getting the papers I was hoping but I’ve rearranged them now to follow my various lists. So I have Healthcare Today! which follows my health-related lists and Librarian News I’m not sure how the different sections are populated. I don’t think I’d use them to present information to users but I might try to interest some of my non-web2.0 colleagues.

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