Friday, 22 June 2012

Thing 8 Google Calendar

Google Calendar is discussed in Thing 8 as a tool to help you to keep organised . This is basically what it says – an online calendar.

As I already have a Google account – in for a penny, in for a pound – I’ve followed the instructions and set it up, entered a few events and so on. However I’m presented with a bit of a quandary as I use Google with my home email account but the events are work-related. So I’ll need to keep a check on my home email for reminders about work events, hmmm!

This may all change as I understand that our work email system is moving to some sort of google-esc version and then I can keep work things all together. I haven’t shared anything though I understand that this is supposed to be part of the appeal so that work colleagues can easily keep up-to-date with where you are, what you are doing and join meetings. We still use a paper diary here and I doubt that there is any clamour to move online or even electronic.

I did investigate the facility to embed a calendar in a web page. For example I notice that our university events calendar is maintained in Goggle calendar and presented in a web page. I thought this looked quite effective and will investigate whether something similar is possible for our training programme schedule. This might be a way for the training librarians to update the latest dates without me having to change the webpages.


  1. I detect a slight scepticism? Phew! My own posting on this Thing has similar reservations.

  2. I think that you need a certain critical mass of co-workers using these tools for them to be used to their maximum benefit. I'm not sure that we are in that place yet.
