Wednesday, 8 August 2018

eLearning 101: Lesson 2 – how instructional design relates to elearning

In this lesson the ADDIE model of design is introduced – I‘ve come across something similar before in another course:

A – Analyse – the needs, objectives and profile of the learner
D – Design – plan the learning object, identify the elements required to achieve the objectives, use storyboarding to record this
D – Develop – create and test the learning objects
I – Implementation – publish the learning object and make it available to the users
E – Evaluate – evaluate whether the object is achieving its objectives

Here is my diagram of the DADDIE model (similar)
DADDIE model

The evaluation process should then feed back into the analyse phase – to result in improvements to the course.


I perhaps have far too informal approach to my design. So far I have generally produced online learning that often replicates or complements face-to-face learning. The etutorials offer an alternative route to the face-to-face training sessions, which learners sometimes find difficult to attend. Thus much of the analysis is based on what is already being delivered by the face-to-face training. The design phase can be informal (scribbled boxes on notepads) if I am only doing it for me but if I am working with colleagues then I make much more effort to document what will be done so that everyone else can review it. Evaluation is probably the trickiest phase. I have an informal distribution ie the etutorials are freely available via the web server, so learners can choose whether to complete the tutorials or not. Although every tutorial offers a feedback form, I cannot “make” a learner complete it. It is quite difficult to get feedback that can be used to re-analyse the content. This is an area that I think I need to work on.

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