Friday, 24 August 2018

eLearning 101: Lesson 7 – how to create great-looking elearning

This lesson included a number of hints and tips on what to do or consider in order to deliver good elearning elements. I’ll list the ones that I picked out.

Apply Branding Guidelines
Decide on what your corporate look and feel will be; use a consistent tone and voice; use the logo; use branding fonts if available; decide on a colour-scheme to match / complement the corporate scheme.

Identify the Course Theme
The course theme would be dictated by the subject matter and audience, directing how the course could be presented. This might include considering professional, corporate, fun or casual presentation.

Header and Body Fonts
The advice given is to consider the subject and theme; decide whether to use decorative or simple fonts; above be consistent and obviously make it legible.


Our courses have to appeal to a number of different user groups, from students learning something for new to healthcare professionals refreshing their skill-set. We have chosen to take a slightly professional tone, although with a theme that “we are learning this together”. I use the Articulate photo-characters, using one character as the help avatar and the others as the learner avatar. The exception to this is the “Check Your Skills” tutorial – here it is more lighter in tone and we use “cartoon” characters. This is to present a non-threatening, more fun tone as students are asked to assess their skills and we didn’t want it to appear like a test.

We are appealing to users from both Keele University and the NHS, so tend to take the corporate theme as “the Health Library”.

In terms of fonts – this is not something I get really excited about. I have chosen to use open sans which is clear and readable. I use font-size and bold to provide emphasis and headers.

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