Best practices for effective elearning project management
were listed in this lesson:
Starting the Project:
- Identify who is in charge, who has the authority?
- What are the expectations?
- What is the budget?
- Who signs the project off? What is that expected date?
Establish a Common
Understanding of…
- Success
- Goals
- Timelines
- Deliverables
Clarify Learning
- What needs to be learnt?
- Who needs to learn it?
- What do they need to know before they start?
Identify Technology
Considerations / Issues such as
- Computer set up
- Mobile devices
- Headphones
- Multimedia
- Hosting solution
Lots more lists in this lesson:
Planning the project – identify tasks, establish a schedule,
set target milestones, set dependencies, plan for review and rework, buffer for
the unexpected, allocate resources (including people).
Suggestions for keeping the project moving – be flexible to
incorporate changes, but be aware of the possibility of project creep; keep
communication open and transparent; include regular reviews and build in time
to change things. Once the project is finished have a final checklist and
sign-off. It is also a good idea to have a post-implementation review to
determine what went well and what can be learnt.
So this is the basics of project management. Again something
I am familiar with from my computing days. But again something that tends to
put off my fellow librarians so how it is presented needs to be considered.
When we upgraded our etutorials I did draw up a plan (spreadsheet) but it did
have to be very flexible, but I think you do need it to detail what needs to
happen and monitor milestones.
Planning is also pretty difficult in my current role as the
elearning development aspect is a relatively minor role and will almost always
be trumped by other events occurring.
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