Wednesday, 29 August 2018

eLearning 101: Lesson 9 – how to measure the effectiveness of your elearning course

This lesson posed the questions:

  • How can you tell if your course is successful?
  • Does it change learner behaviour?
  • What can you measure?

Different types of courses may have different performance metrics. Articulate suggest the following:

Type 1 Performance Improvement Courses
Participants learn a new skill or are given information to help them do their jobs or study better. Recommended measurement – consider pre vrs post course assessments, or improvement in a particular task.

Type 2 Organisational Compliance Courses
Recommended measurement – pre vrs post course assessment

Type 3 Sharing Information
Recommended measurement – could track access to the information source, eg download of a file or direction to a web page.


This is an area that I need to improve on, in order to make any feedback to the user relevant. There have been various discussions on the forums within Articulate about this topic which have been interesting.

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